Meet Jessica
Jessica Bennett, MA, LPC, CAADC
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in MichiganI Help High-Achievers Find the Perfect Balance of Inner-Critic and Inner-Confident.
About You
You have an Inner Critic and you know it's getting in your way. It’s keeping you from fully achieving your potential. Not only is it unrelenting, it can be outright cruel. But at the same time, you're terrified of what might happen if it stops. You have generally been successful in many areas of your life, and you might even consider yourself a perfectionist.
In fact, you might be exceptionally successful or accomplished and you can't help but give credit where it's due...To that authoritarian, never-satisfied, criticizing taskmaster in your head. It has brought you far, but you've noticed it's becoming more and more extreme and the effect is paradoxical. The part of you that, for so long, was the driver of your success now appears to be a barrier to your success.
You don't know exactly how this part of you ended up with so much power in your life, but you probably don't remember a time in your life without it. When you look back on your past, you wonder if your childhood experiences contributed to how you’re living your life now.
What You’re Feeling
This Inner Critic is always with you, no matter how hard you work to get everything right. It doesn't matter how much you plan or how many outcomes you anticipate, and it certainly doesn't matter how many revisions and edits you perform. Your list of accomplishments, achievements and aptitudes somehow looks like nothing more than a grim reminder of everything you never did right.
It is never enough. It's not enough at home. It's not enough at work. You feel like no matter what you say or do, it'll never be enough because there's a part of you that believes you are not enough.
You feel shame, regret, guilt and failure. You might even feel like a fraud.
You carry an overwhelming load of anxiety and fear as you do what you can to counter these beliefs lurking around your mind;
"They can see right through you."
"You'll never get this right."
"You're an idiot."
(This is the PG version. I know how vicious that critic truly is. It might even feel like it's violent towards you).
How I Can Help
Imagine how you would feel if you woke up one day and didn't need your Inner Critic to work so hard?
Imagine what you could accomplish if you suddenly had access to an innate, authentic confidence, creativity and clarity.
High-Achievers & Perfectionists often have a lack of balance in what motivates them. When you work with me, I help you shift from shame- and fear-based motivation to a drive and motivation rooted in true Confidence, resilience and courage.
You can finally work towards your goals from a place of authentic Confidence. You can see yourself and your situations clearly, free from the fog of leftover issues from your childhood. You can engage in relationships without having to hide or over-compensate.
I work best with people who want to heal their wounds of childhood attachment insecurity. I use a method of psychotherapy called “Internal Family Systems” (IFS) and sessions focus primarily on the dynamic between the Inner Critic and the Inner Child. Because this is where my skills are, I only accept clients who fit this criteria and who are open to IFS. I am also trained in EMDR and find that these interventions blend synergistically, creating a framework for deep, lasting changes.
Click the button to request your phone consultation. Once I receive it, I'll send you a link to schedule your free 20-minute phone consultation. On the call, we’ll talk for 20 minutes about what you’re experiencing and what you’re hoping to achieve. This will be your opportunity to ask me any questions, as well. The phone consultation will help us both decide if we should move forward with scheduling a Pre-Intensive Interview. If we decide not to work together, I will help you on your search for the right therapist.
The early years of my career were focused on working with people experiencing substance use problems, alcohol and other drug addictions, and process addictions such as gambling and sex. For several years, I coordinated a dual-diagnosis intensive outpatient (IOP) group. I learned that where there is addiction, there is trauma. Over the years, I have found myself more and more drawn to helping people heal from trauma and other issues related to anxiety.
In 2012, I earned a Master of Arts in Addictions Counseling from the University of Detroit-Mercy. In 2016, I completed the required training to provide supervision to Limited Licensed Professional Counselors, and have since been facilitating small group supervision to LLPC’s with a variety of specialties.
In late 2019, I opened my private solo therapy practice, and was so inspired by learning the business of Business, I began to plan the launch of my niche group practice, Collaborative: Psychotherapy & Self-Discovery. Since launching the group practice, I have opened several businesses, both related and unrelated to psychotherapy.
Somewhere along the way, I learned about Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, and it was truly a personal and professional paradigm shift. I completed the IFS Level 1 training in the Summer of 2020 and completed the IFS Level 2 training in the Summer of 2021.
In 2022, I completed the Jai Institute for Parenting, Parent Coach Certification. In July 2022, I launched Cycle-Breaking Mom, LLC an online Parent Education & Coaching Membership Platform. I help Cycle-Breaking Moms+Dads show-up for their kids.
In 2023, I completed The Safe & Sound Protocol Provider Certification, a non-invasive, auditory listening intervention designed to reduce overstimulation, sound sensitivity and reset the nervous system baseline to calm & secure.
In 2024, I completed EMDRIA Approved Basic Training for Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, along with additional training on the integration of EMDR, IFS and the SSP.
Licensure & Certification
Services I Offer
In-Office Psychotherapy Online Psychotherapy EMDR + IFS Intensives Supervision for LLPC’s Consultations for Substance Abuse Adjunct EMDR+IFS Intensives Intensives+ SSP1-2 Hour Sessions:
(typically held weekly or bi-weekly)
In short, Intensives are billed at $225/hour. How many hours your intensive will require is based on your specific history, needs and goals.
*No insurance will cover Intensives. You will not receive a superbill and cannot submit to your insurance carrier for out of network reimbursement.