
Safe and Sound Protocol

Reset Your Nervous System to Calm & Safe.
Unyte 10

All You Have To Do...

Is Listen.

Overstimulation? Sound Sensitivity? Feeling Like You're Always Stuck in Fight or Flight?

The Safe and Sound Protocol is designed to recalibrate and restore your body's natural balance.

You will not only set your nervous system to a default of ‘calm and safe’, you will also engage in the self-discovery process to create lasting change. 

It involves using various techniques, such as the Safe and Sound Protocol, to regulate the nervous system's response to stress and overstimulation. By engaging in this reset, you can experience improved emotional regulation, reduced reactivity, and increased overall well-being. 

Highlights of the SSP

● A five-hour auditory intervention developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory.

● Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, while improving auditory processing and behavioral state regulation.

● Activates your social engagement system, helping to accelerate and enhance therapeutic outcomes.

● Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience

The Science of Feeling Safe

Developed by world-renowned researcher and Unyte’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system, and explains how our sense of safety, danger or life-threat can impact our behavior.


Understanding Polyvagal Theory gives us a scientific framework that can be applied through physiological, or “bottom-up” therapies, to help change and improve how we feel, think and connect with others.

Watch This Video to Learn More About The Science

here's what you can expect while you're in the program...

The Nervous System Reset is a transformative program that offers a comprehensive journey towards emotional balance and well-being. Guided by Jessica Bennett, this program combines the powerful "Safe and Sound Protocol" by Dr. Stephen Porges with psychoeducation and personal growth work. This is a great companion intervention if you are already in psychotherapy or feeling like you're too anxious or guarded to even begin therapy.


Over the course of your program, you will engage in a simple and clearly outlined process to recalibrate your nervous systems, addressing reactivity and stress through a holistic approach. 


Throughout the program, you'll attend 

One initial assessment and onboarding session, 75 minutes in length.

Three 10-Minute listening sessions each month, fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for healing, education & integration.

Additionally, Jessica will be available for personalized chat support, guiding and motivating you every step of the way.

By committing to the regular listening sessions, educational work, and regular communication, you can finally get unstuck from your states of chronic nervous system dysregulation and enjoy life the way you meant to...

available for joy, connection and freedom.

Please note, each person's nervous system and history is unique. This means, some people will complete the 5-hour intervention in one month, and others might take up to 6-12 months to complete. Each person will receive a highly customized listening schedule that is based on their responses and reactions to the program.


What's Included in Your Reset:

The 5-Hour Safe and Sound Protocol (via the MyUnyte App)

Private Text Support with Jessica (during office hours)

75 Minute Onboarding Session, to learn about the program, your nervous system and IFS unblending exercises.

3- 10 Minute Monthly listening sessions with Jessica, in-person or virtual

Additional 30 Minute IFS Sessions can be purchased for $150.

Click Here to Schedule A Free Consultation

This Is A Monthly Subscription

First Month- $350

Subsequent months $250

***This is not a therapy service and is not covered by insurance.

***A month is a defined as a 30-day billing cycle. Listening sessions cannot be carried over to the next month. You can cancel at any time. If you choose to cancel mid-month, your access to the SSP will be turned off and your monthly fee will be pro-rated.