IFS Therapy


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Internal Family Systems (IFS)

A part of you is angry at your mother because she didn’t protect you when you were a child. Another part of you feels so guilty about this anger. And yet another part of you notices that child within, who was hurt and unprotected. And finally, another part of you is that child within, still hurt, alone and abandoned. You feel like all of these parts are fighting with each other. It’s stressful and anxiety-provoking.

How different might your life be if all of these parts could get along? We all have parts of us that make us do the things we can’t stand (like refusing to commit, lying to the spouse, or panicking before a work presentation).

How would your life be different if all of these parts could finally be free from their all-consuming jobs of, apparently, ruining your life?

Imagine how you’d feel if all of these hurt and abandoned parts of you could heal their wounds and not be held back by the pain and trauma of the past.

With Internal Family Systems, this is exactly what we do. We don’t banish or suppress those troublesome aspects of our personalities. We get to know them, build healthy relationships with them, and set them free.

IFS is known to lend a transformational experience to it’s utilizers. An evidence-based, unique and often rapid-results psychotherapy intervention that won’t feel like the traditional talk-therapy you’ve been in-and-out of for years.

Learn More about Internal Family Systems (IFS)